On a Summer's day in 2006, I saw something that would change my life forever. This site chronicles my quest, to learn more about the Sasquatch. Consequently, I learn more about myself along the way, and the true nature of humanity.

Summer Of the Sasquatch 2007

Monday, August 16, 2010

Doing the Patty Walk with Autumn

This was taken last year. Autumn had seen some of my work and contacted me. After talking with her she decides to invite me up to see her. I was quite flattered that she had invited me let alone acknowledged my work. I make the trip and she grills me on specifics and many other things. She then has me "Do the Patty Walk" which is a duplication broken down and taken from the video by Dr. Jeff Meldrum of "Sasquatch legends meets science". It was very difficult to reproduce for which I thought I did a very poor rendition of. However, the trackway that was left was very similar to what I have documented many times before with this group. She mistakenly says I created the tracks but then corrects herself. I do not think Autumn would associate with me if she thought I was a hoaxer but I am certain that there will be others that will take this out of context to fit their needs. Take note of who does and connect the dots. The real question is when you understand who the deceivers are.......What are you going to do about it? If you do not act then you are just as guilty as those who deceive. This takes great integrity, honor, and fortitude. Are you ready to make a change or will you follow the herd? We will see. Your individual choice makes a difference, make no mistake!!

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